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欢迎秀出签名档图^o^——收藏展示是为了回顾,现在是为了创造新的回忆 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2005-06-02
原文由 LEEfish 发表:
[quote]原文由 Gottdrachen 发表:
[ /quote]


是我初到花园的签名图,记得当时的签名是“人类永远不会从历史中吸取教训,不断重复着相同的错误。。。。。。。。”后来觉得不太符合动漫的气氛,就改成“洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。 洛一丽一塔:舌尖向上,分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在牙齿上。洛。丽。塔。在早晨,她就是洛,普普通通的洛,穿一只袜子,身高四尺十寸。穿上宽松裤时,她是洛拉。在学校里她是多丽。正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。可在我的怀里,她永远是洛丽塔。在她之前还有过别人吗?有的,确实有的。事实上,可能从来也没有什么洛丽塔,要不是我在一个夏天曾爱上了一个女童。在海边一片王子的领地。在什么时候?就是那一年,洛丽塔还有多少年才降临世间,我的岁数就有多少。你放心,杀人犯总能写出一手妙文。 陪审团的女士们、先生们,第一件证物正是被六翼天使,那个误传、简单的、羽翼高贵的六翼天使所嫉妒的。且看这段纠缠不清的痛苦心史吧。”的lolimm图勒{dmhy_003.gif}
Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 3 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 4 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 5 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 6 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
只看该作者 9 发表于: 2005-06-02
RE: 个人收藏:HY签名档图 (编辑中 请勿回复,谢谢了啦~)

Slip Out(Little More Than Before)
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
Peace is always by myside but I've never felt it once.
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.

Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
Well I'm scared, scared,scared,scared to death.
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.

Recalling my torn broken,aching heart of these long days.
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
Recalling,breaking,aching,crying,making sure to me.
And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

【 原创文奖励细则】
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